My little boy is one and we just celebrated his first birthday! This first year has a been a bit of blur and went by too fast. It may sound strange, but I feel like I have grown up so much too. My husband and I can’t imagine life without our sweet little guy, and can’t even remember what life was like before him. Life has never been the same since his arrival.
From the moment my water broke (at 3 a.m.) to the moment I was able to touch my little boy, there was a sense of calm and peace surrounding this life changing event. When I look back, I remember being quiet, focused, and didn’t linger too long on being fearful. I could not have asked for a better partner during this time. Greg was so calm, said all the right things, and became the best Daddy right before my eyes.
Although Greg was ready to roll and stay up with me that morning, after he spoke to my doctor, I made him go back to bed (as he would need all the sleep he could get). I took a shower, blow dried my hair and tried to rest. My niece, who was staying with us that night for a sleepover, remained sound asleep as we excitedly raced around. As we said our goodbyes that morning, she spoke to Arthur in my belly, telling him she would see him soon. After giving my sister a hug, the waterworks began. I’d be joining this special club she was a part of, and not only would my life change, but our families’ lives.
We strolled into Labor and Delivery by 9 a.m., following our doctor’s instructions. However, on our way in I began to doubt that I was actually going into labor because I wasn’t feeling contractions or any type of pain, which I assumed would immediately be felt. Low and behold, I was wrong. After being induced, managing contractions so I could walk as long as possible, having nurses roll me from side to side every time Arthur’s heart rate dropped, it was decided a C-section was necessary to get him out … after almost 24 hours of labor. It seemed like an eternity before the nurses brought Arthur to me. I could hear him and I could hear all the oohing and aahing. Finally, my little guy and I met. It was love at first sight!
After getting out from behind the ‘new baby’ fog and finally being okay with not going to work everyday, I began to truly enjoy the beginnings of motherhood. Taking walks around the neighborhood, trips to the park, his first grocery cart ride, his first flight, beach days, and sleepovers with Nani and Papa. Now, we look forward to so many more firsts with him as he becomes a toddler
During this first year, all milestones and ‘firsts’ are a celebration over here, however sickness isn’t so much. While we were visiting family in the Midwest over Christmas, Arthur had his first stomach bug. It was a 24-hour bug, but quickly spread like wildfire, and we felt horrible about it. Besides getting Mom and Dad sick, it hit nine other family members. Most recently, about 10 days before Arthur’s first birthday, he completely changed into a listless little boy. He had two fevers a day and was not himself at all, no playing, no solid foods, and it was terribly sad to see and of course very worrisome. Then the lymph nodes around his neck became very swollen and hard, which took on a whole new level of scary. Arthur was finally admitted to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) so he could be monitored, specifically since his fevers had lingered over a week and for more comprehensive testings.
Arthur was so brave, despite the pokes, scary looking machines and strangers coming in and out of his room. Thankfully his fevers stopped and doctors were able to rule out the most concerning issues. Although we may never know what this virus or infection was, Arthur is back to his happy self and making up for lost meals. This was exhausting for Greg and I, and I’ll be honest, overwhelming a time or two, but we made it through, and know this is one of many life obstacles we will encounter as parents in the years to come.
Although this was scary for us as new parents, I know how minor it is compared to the truly sick children treated at CHLA. My heart goes out to those families and the amazing CHLA team of doctors and nurses.
Well, my vision and party plans were derailed after days of sickness and the likes of it not getting better anytime soon. I had zero interest or the energy in continuing to focus on the right shades of blue for his dessert table balloon garland installation, or deciding on which bakery I would entrust with making his cake, or how early I should get to the flower mart so Mommy could make all the floral arrangements, or anxiously waiting to see if the music group we really wanted was available. I basically woke up one morning, after being up most of the night with him, and said, ‘let’s cancel the party’. The pressure was lifted, and at the end of the day, it was the best decision for us. So, nothing went as planned, but we still had a small celebration with my immediate family and two of my best friends, and I made Arthur his first cake! It was simple, happy, easy, and meant to be (even without the English Garden Animal Party theme…sigh!). There’s always next year!
Happy first birthday, my little boy! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!