Life as a family of four is in full force. Vivienne is just over one month old. She arrived a little over one week before my scheduled c-section date. She actually joined us on the morning of her baby shower … so we missed the party, but had our own little party at the hospital. We are over the moon with this sweet girl.
As we soak in this newborn stage, I’m so grateful to have family and friends who have showered all of us with love, food, flowers and comfort, as we go through this newborn stage and many life changes. Arthur loves his sissy, however the first week was a big adjustment for him and we were not expecting things to be as rocky as they were. They are besties now, but it did make us take a step back and grasp the huge transition at hand and the exciting changes to come.
Vivienne is settling right in! It is as if she has always been right here with us. As for my recovery, it has been smoother than expected. Perhaps its because I did not labor long (over 20 hours with Arthur) or because it was my second c-section? Also, this time around, I did what was best for me (mentally and physically), which included not breastfeeding. The best decision I made, even before I became pregnant, which truly lifted a weight off my shoulders. I also went in with the mindset of getting my body moving as soon as I was able to, staying extra hydrated and allowing myself to sleep, so I could get home quickly to recover.
Once home, I made sure to have items on hand that would aide in healing and postpartum support. I immediately started taking these post-natal vitamins (a big fan of their prenatal too), I’ve been using this healing tonic, infused with Vitamin C, in my water every morning, this scalp serum, to help with hair growth, and I have been drinking this calming tea almost daily. Lots of sleep and moving my body as often as I could early on, has helped tremendously. Everyone’s pregnancy, delivery, recovery and support system is different, I am doing what is best for me and my family … basically, hanging in there!
What I have zero control of is time, which is moving too fast, so I’m enjoying every second and not rushing through the stillness of just sitting with Vivienne. As I soak in these moments, I’ve been lingering in the new year slow mode, which has me reaching for my coziest pieces, like this set that makes me feel more put together at home and this cardigan, best investment, that I could live in.
When I’m heading outside, either to take Arthur to school or the grocery store (outings I look forward to!), I’m grabbing these comfortable Chloe sneaks, my go-to workout leggings or these maternity/postpartum jeans and these crewneck sweatshirts or the classic button down shirts. I’ve been scheduling lunches out with friends … which are much needed breaks and a great excuse to get dressed.
Happy and so thankful to be where I am.
Here’s what I’m liking and living in lately: